Why we love Strongman Training.

Why should we incorporate strongman training into our weekly exercise routine? There are many benefits to this particular style of training and as to why it is becoming more and more popular. First and foremost it pushes the boundaries in what you can do and what you can lift, push or press. Strongman is similar to the original cross fit just less injuries and better and more controlled movement patterns. It also is instructed in a controlled environment so it is encouraging you as an individual to lift or push a heavier load than you would normally. Therefore it is a very goal orientated way to train in the sense that you can load more weight each time you undergo a strongman class, pushing you to PB’s and increased strength levels.

You may hear the term “chaos training” when strongman is mentioned. Chaos training is a type of training that improves functional movement which will then carry over into sport specific training including athletics and running and any team sports. Not only does it improve your movement patterns and coordination for sport specific but it also improves daily movement patterns. How? Say you go to the grocery store on a Sunday for the weekly shop. It is busy, chaotic at the shops so you are forced to park a long way from the entrance to Woolworths or Coles (incidental movement is always a bonus) however once you have finished the shop you than need to carry the bags from the check out to the car. You will not only have the strength and endurance to do so but you will also be able to lift the bags correctly without hurting yourself, less rest stops and most importantly not be out of breath. What does this have to do with strongman? Everything. The farmers carry is exactly the same movement pattern as the grocery bag scenario. Kettle bell swing and pushing your child on a swing or spinning them around in a circle until one of you is dizzy. Let’s face it, it is usually the adult but not after a few weeks in strongman training. Prowler push and pushing a pram up the hill. Do I need to go on? I think you understand where I am heading with this. Functional movement and movement patterns is incorporated into everyday living hence why strongman is such an effective style of training. Instead of causing injury it will save you injury in your busy everyday life.

Strongman also helps highlight our weaknesses. Why is that a good thing? If we did not know our weakness’s than injury would be more frequent. It is quite a complex style of training and incorporates the three major planes of movement. Which include sagittal, horizontal and functional movement which all ties in nicely with sport related training which brings us back to the term “chaos training”. Helping individuals achieve more than one specific outcome.

Strongman is also very density based which is where you use a lot of prime movers and stabilisers in all of the exercises involved which in short means you can use larger muscle groups and as a result you will have an increase in energy expenditure both during and well after the class is over.

Strongman is also a great and very effective way to burn fat!! Yes that’s right, fat. Especially for women (hear me out) because of the style of training strongman is it assists in burning beta 2 fats receptors which are found in women therefore it is a very effective style of training  to target these particular (stubborn) fat cells. Once again this process just like increased energy levels occurs long after the class has ended. A much more successful way to burn fat than running on the treadmill for the better half of an hour or two. #winning

So if you want to lose weight, increase muscle definition or “tone” this is a great style of training for everyone to take part in. it is also a very social outing for those involved, quite community based and a very interactive 60mins (or more) for those involved. It is great in the sense that it is neither gender specific nor is it targeted to certain fitness levels or athletes. It truly is for anyone and everyone.

Functional movement most definitely has its place in today’s society and strongman thankfully incorporates all aspects. So if you were every contemplating signing up for our strongman class on Saturday at 8am, contemplate no more.

Real Fitness Training is a boutique wellness studio located in the Hills District which includes the surrounding suburbs of Castle Hill, Baulkham Hills, Kellyville, Bella Vista, Castle Hill, Cherrybrook, Glenorie, West Pennant Hills, Glenwood and Rouse Hill. Our services include personal training, semi-private personal training, yoga, meditation and nutrition. Creating optimal lifestyles since 2013.