People practice Yoga for all different reasons, and they also don’t practice yoga for many different reasons. One of the reasons is they believe they might just fall asleep. I remember first practicing yoga it was a job requirement at the time so I thought oh gosh fine I will do it,

If I wanted the job which at the time was travelling around the world teaching people about health, I had to start learning and teaching yoga. I was always about hard and fast. If I wasn’t sweating, if I wasn’t groaning If I wasn’t in pain I wasn’t working hard enough. To then start practicing yoga was a complete shock. It took me around 6 weeks of practicing 3 times a week to finally let go of my ego and except this practice as it was. Doing what I was doing smashing my body, working 18 hours a day, always stressed and thinking negatively was only going to last so long. Every second week I needed a massage, I was always getting niggles and injuries but I had excepted this was just the norm.’Thats when it all changed for me’

Doing what I was doing smashing my body, working 18 hours a day, always stressed and thinking negatively was only going to last so long. Every second week I needed a massage, I was always getting niggles and injuries but I had excepted this was just the norm.

When I had finally excepted yoga practice and I let go of fighting it and just started being my whole life shifted. From the way I thought, the way I treated my body, the way I ate, the way I spoke and more and more success came my way.

I was living in harmony.

So whether you think yoga is not for you or is for you, give it a go more than once, and practice regularly. By doing yoga once a month only when you are feeling the tension and tightness will not serve a long term solution to your aches, pains or stress.

is not when you participate. Yoga is a practice for that reason you will engrave alignment, breath, strength, mindfulness and when practicing yin or even I Hatha is a practice that will leave you body just as if you came out of a massage.

I now breathe, among my stress and anxiety, eat differently, less worried, and feel a lot more energised because of this.

From yoga 101

Simply put, yoga (the verb) is a practice.

By calling the process of joining the mind and body systems into one wholly integrated mind-body system a “practice” reiterates that perfection is relative and not a specific end-goal. Think about how often you hear someone say, “I am perfecting yoga.” Doing one yoga posture one time does not mean you are practicing yoga. The practice comes from consistently performing certain actions over time. This time frame will naturally lend itself to subtle changes in your environment, distraction level, mood shifts, bodily changes, and any number of other factors, which influence the experience of practice as it happens.

Which Yoga is best for you?

No matter what experience you have with yoga all our styles of yoga will be perfect. Our yoga instructors cater all classes for all abilities and experience. So you may think that your a beginner you need to do a slow flow? But thats not always the case. Find a yoga class that best suits you. I know we find a teacher which we prefer but to be honest I love the uniqueness of all yoga teachers. I would recommend doing two yoga sessions a week but starting with one is always a great start.

ZhenUnwind (Yin Yoga)is a delicious way to relax and soothe frayed nerves. This restorative class will use blankets and blocks to assist your body to experience the benefits of a pose without having to exert any effort. A good restorative class and more rejuvenating than a nap. If you are constantly getting massages try Yin Yoga its like giving your body a massage.

ZhenFlow – (Hatha Yoga) Get deep into stretches feel longer, leaner and stronger all at the same time. Perfect way to start or end the day. Best way to balance your stress levels.

Zhenenergy- (Vinyasa/Hatha Yoga)
The style of yoga is called Vinyasa. What it will do for you is beyond all aspects. Aiming to focus on lengthening, strengthening whole of body from back to pelvic floor to core to increasing strength around joints to allow you move better and function better.
A dynamic style of yoga but is suited for all abilities, all classes can be modified for beginners and also injuries- please let teachers know at the start of the class.

At Real Fitness Training we cater all our classes to all levels and all capabilities. See our classes below and for timetable please contact [email protected] or CLASSES CAN BE BOOKED IN ONLINE HERE – If you have any problems booking in or seeing the timetable please email [email protected]