We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on Nic, a true inspiration and a cherished member of the RFT family since 2016. Nic is not only a dedicated mother of two beautiful children who adore her, but she has also become a role model for countless women at our gym. Her unwavering commitment and strength continue to inspire everyone around her.

Here's a little story that perfectly captures Nic's impact: During a recent sweat class, two 20-year-old ladies couldn't help but admire Nic as she performed trap bar deadlifts in the Strength Connection class. Their admiration was palpable as they watched her lift with remarkable strength and determination.

To give you a sense of Nic's incredible abilities, her personal best on the trap bar deadlift is an impressive 120kg for 3 reps. It's no surprise that she's become such a source of inspiration—just look at her!

Nic, you are truly amazing, and this is why we are proud to name you our Legend of the Week. xx