Life can be very stressful and it’s impossible to avoid the stress we have in our lives. Even people who look calmer and relaxed have stress but these people have learned to deal with their stress in an appropriate way. Not by taking medication or some type of pill but by one simple way, meditation.

Meditation is a journey into one’s own mind. Meditation does not have to be completed alone if you’re not sure what to do. It can be completed in a guided meditation class or even just with family or friends. There are even apps, such as the headspace app, which can take you through guided meditation. A barrier which may be perceived by many is that of time. The lack of time excuse to not complete meditation. The best part about these apps is it only requires 10 minutes of meditation and meditation can be completed anywhere from the home, the office or even outdoors! Studies, such as from the UCLA Department of Neurology, have provided evidence for that fact that just 10-20 minutes of meditation a day can lead to great health benefits!

You may be thinking. Why meditation? Well, meditation allows the body and the cells to be filled with more energy. This leads to a feeling of relaxation and happiness. Meditation has many other benefits which include the following:

The more consistent you are with your meditation, the more benefits you will receive. It may feel strange at first sitting with your eyes closed being guided through meditation but once you complete your first sessions you will notice some changes straight away. You will feel the stress slowly start to leave your body and you will be hooked! The obvious key to meditation is repetition. The more it’s completed the better you will feel!

If you feel able, allow yourself to be taken through guided meditation whether it be through an app or a guided meditation class. Attending a class or using the app will take the worry of what to do out and allow to fully submerge yourself in the relaxation of meditation.