As a coach, I love seeing my clients get incredible results – dropping cm around the waist and kilograms of body fat are both fantastic results. However, the truth is that my greatest joy comes from witnessing positive shifts in mindset, permanent changes in lifestyle and sparking new life into clients by believing in their potential for change. Keiran is a perfect example of this; Keiran has been an absolute pleasure to coach and I’ve witnessed several shifts in her mindset over the last few months that have shaped the way she approaches her fitness and health.

Keiran came to Real Fitness as a member of another gym where the culture was about excessive amounts of high-intensity interval training, 8-week weight loss challenges with little-to-no regard for progressive overload and sustainable nutritional changes. She found that she would get fantastic results during challenges, but struggle to find a way to maintain them. She came to Real Fitness finally ready to make a permanent lifestyle change from an “all-or-nothing” mindset to one that strives for progress over perfection.

Here’s what Keiran has to say:

How has training at Real Fitness changed your lifestyle?

I no longer see it as a “diet” that I’m on, however it is something that I able to maintain and a continual change for the better.

What has been the biggest lightbulb moment since training at Real Fitness?

It sounds silly, but: life happens. Sometimes you slip up or enjoy one too many plates of delicious food and that is okay because you shouldn’t have to say no to a piece of cake as long as the next day you have a plan to get back on the horse and move forward. There is no point in beating yourself up about it as it won’t change what has already happened.

How has your mindset changed since starting with RFT?

My mindset has shifted as I now see fitness and health as a marathon, not a sprint. I believe in falling down three times and getting back up four times; keep on going. Aiming for consistency has become my biggest goal.

What is the biggest change in terms of how you look/feel?

The biggest change in terms of how I look has to be muscle definition. Since starting with Chris I have seen improvements in the definition in my arms and legs. I also feel much stronger as a result of the training!

Would you recommend Real Fitness to friends? Why?

Yes because you’re not just signing up at another gym. Everybody knows your name, it’s a friendly environment and all the trainers genuinely care about your success!!

If you’re like Keiran and tired of quick fixes and all-or-nothing diets and you’re ready to make a change that lasts, click here to book in a Blueprint Session. If you know that it’s time for a change, take action on getting your health right today.

Coach Chris