Embracing Bananas and the Journey to a Healthier Relationship with Food

We've all heard it before: “Don’t eat this,” “Avoid that,” “This food is bad for you.” These conflicting messages can create a whirlwind of confusion, leaving many of us wondering what we can and cannot eat. In this confusion, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and do nothing at all because making the "right" choices seems too complicated.

The problem with demonizing certain food groups is that it fosters unhealthy relationships with food. This is ironic, considering that food is the very fuel ⛽️ our bodies rely on to function, thrive, and live our best lives. The narrative that labels certain foods as "bad" often leads to guilt and shame, emotions that have no place in a healthy eating routine.

Having spent 15 years in the fitness industry, I've seen and tried it all, especially in my early years. I’ve experimented with numerous diets and eating trends, only to discover that the real secret to lasting success lies not in cutting out entire food groups, but in rebuilding a healthy relationship with food. Over the years, I’ve observed thousands of clients at Real Fitness achieve their best results when they focus on this very principle.

Rebuilding a healthy relationship with food is a healing process, one that involves recognizing and appreciating the true gift that food offers us. When we stop placing guilt and shame on what we eat, we begin to experience a profound transformation in both our mental and physical health.

I used to avoid bananas because they were said to have "too much sugar." But then, in an ironic twist, I would end up binging on a whole packet of chips and chocolate before bed, all while feeling proud of myself for eating "fake" foods with zero calories. Looking back, I realize how misguided that approach was.

So yes, I get it. The struggle to navigate the maze of dietary advice is real. But I also know that the moment I began to heal my relationship with food, everything changed for the better. I found that incorporating more nutritious foods like bananas—packed with essential nutrients and minerals—into my diet actually helped curb my cravings for sugary snacks.

At Real Fitness, we focus on teaching you the REAL way to achieve results that last. Our method isn’t about eliminating food groups or following fad diets; it’s about building a sustainable lifestyle where food is your ally, not your enemy. If you’re ready to transform your approach to health and fitness, we invite you to reach out. Simply DM us with the word "TRANSFORM" to learn more about our REAL METHOD process.

And remember: You are awesome, and so are bananas 🍌!

— Vicky 💚