Have you ever stepped on the scale, only to be shocked by a sudden 2kg increase in weight? Before you panic, let's explore the factors behind these fluctuations and understand why the number on the scale might not tell the whole story.

Body Weight Fluctuations

The scale may register a 2kg increment, but it's crucial to recognize that this doesn't necessarily mean you've gained 2kg of fat overnight. Various factors contribute to daily weight fluctuations, and understanding them can provide valuable insights into your body composition journey.

Fluid and Salt Retention

Consuming a high amount of carbohydrates or meals rich in sodium can lead to temporary weight spikes. This is primarily due to the retention of fluids caused by the carbohydrates and salt. It's essential to distinguish between genuine fat gain and these transient fluctuations.

Hormonal Influence

Our hormones play a significant role in daily weight variations, and many of these fluctuations are beyond our control. Factors such as menstrual cycles, stress, and sleep patterns can influence hormonal balance, leading to changes in water retention and, consequently, the number on the scale.


Inflammation, whether from injury, food intolerances, or overindulgence, can also impact both weight and water retention. Understanding how inflammation affects your body can help you interpret fluctuations more accurately.

The Importance of Daily Weigh-Ins

Rather than being discouraged by daily weight changes, consider using them as valuable data points. Weighing in daily and tracking these fluctuations over the week allows you to build a more comprehensive understanding of your body composition. By calculating a weekly average, you can discern trends and make informed decisions about your health and fitness journey.

The number on the scale is just one piece of the puzzle. By acknowledging the various factors influencing daily weight fluctuations, such as fluid retention, hormonal changes, and inflammation, you can take a more informed and measured approach to your health and fitness goals. Utilise daily weigh-ins as a tool for understanding your body's patterns and, ultimately, ensure you are heading in the right direction on your wellness journey.