I’ve coached many clients over the years who obsess over the number that appears on the scale. They weigh themselves daily and the number that appears each morning often dictates whether they have a good day or a bad day. It dictates mood, what you eat, etc. and you make worse decisions

The problem is this:

Body weight can fluctuate dramatically day to day and it has nothing to do with our body fat.

There are so many factors that can cause rather dramatic short-term fluctuations in body weight:

Body weight simply describes your relationship with gravity. It has no self-evident implication on your health or wellbeing. It should instead be used as one of many data points to measure overall progress over time – after all, it doesn’t take into consideration body-fat levels and lean muscle mass.

So what should we use to measure progress?

There are various factors that are much more important to us than your scale weight. Check in with yourself daily or weekly and ask yourself:

On top of the measures of progress mentioned above, at Real Fitness Training, our coaches take regular measurements for body fat, girth, lean muscle, blood pressure, heart rate and finally, bodyweight for each and every client.

Think body composition, not bodyweight.

Bodyweight is just one small piece of the puzzle when it comes to determining how healthy you are.

At RFT, education is a core pillar when it comes to true lasting transformation, which is why we hold monthly seminars – free of charge!

The topic of the month is “Top 3 Tips and Principles for Fat Loss That Lasts” – tickets can be found here, but be quick; spots will fill up fast!

We look forward to hearing from you!